Monday, July 31, 2017

Sunday, July 23, 2017

How To Create Your Own Android App a "web browser" with Android device without Coding

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Friday, March 24, 2017


Download The w3 offline website for free .....
<h1 color="red" align="center"><a href="">DOWNLOAD</a></h1>
After downloading extract the zip file and you can enjoy offline website...

NOTE : you can run both on your PC or on your phone...


<h1 align="center"> SCREEN SHOT'S </h1>

Random Circle Programme In C++

void main()
int gd = DETECT , gm;
initgraph(&gd , &gm ,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); while(!kbhit())
setcolor(rand() % 16);
circle(rand() % 600 , rand() % 400 , rand() % 50); delay(10);


<h2>send me your questions and Querries On  My Email</h2>

E-mail :
<h3>NOTE : USE TURBO BORLAND  C/C++ Compiler</h3>

Turbo C++ Compiler for Android

Here you will get step by step guide to download and install Turbo C++ for Android platform.

If you are from India and have started learning C/C++ programming from your school days then you have definitely used Turbo C++ compiler. Still many schools, colleges and institutions in India prefer Turbo C++ for teaching students (don’t know about other countries).

I am writing this article. In windows we use DosBox Emulator for running Turbo C++ for Android, in the same way we need an emulator for android platform which is known as AnDosBox. So without wasting much time lets take a look how we can use Turbo C++ for android platform.

Turbo C++ for Android –Steps to Download and Install

1. First of all download Turbo C++ for Android from link:

2. It is compressed so you need to extract it. This can be done by any compression tool like Easy Unrar. You can download it from play store for free.

3. Now after extracting you will get a folder TC and an apk file AnDosBox.

4. Install AnDosBox and move TC folder in your sd card, remember that TC folder must be in sd card not in any other subfolder.

5. Now open AnDosBox that you have already installed. It will look same as like DoxBox that is used in windows.

6. Enter below lines or commands and press enter after each line. You can get the keyboard by pressing the option button situated at left side of your device.
cd tc
cd bin
<h1 align="center"><a href="">DOWNLOAD </a></h1>
AND ENJOY.........

School Management Programme In C/C++

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include < string >
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std ;
//Structure defining
//For students
struct student
string fname ;//for student first name
string lname ;//for student last name
string Registration ;//for Registration No number
string classes ;//for class info
}studentData ;//Variable of student type
//For teachers
struct teacher
string fst_name ; //first name of teacher
string lst_name ; //last nameof teacher
string qualification ;//Qualification of teacher
string exp ;//Experiance of the person
string pay ;//Pay of the Teacher
string subj ;//subject whos he/she teach
string lec ;//Lecture per Week
string addrs ;//Adders of teacher home
string cel_no ;//Phone number
string blod_grp ; //Bool Group
string serves ; //Number of serves in School
}tech[ 50 ];//Variable of teacher type
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Main function
void main() {
int i =0 ,j ;//for processing usage
char choice ; //for getting choice
string find ; //for sorting
string srch ;
while( 1) //outer loop
{  system ( "cls" );//Clear screen
//Level 1-Display process
cout<< "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" ;
cout<< "\n\n\t\t\tSCHOOL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM\n\n" ;
cout<< "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" ;
cout<< "\n\n\t\t\tMAIN SCREEN\n\n" ;
cout<< "Enter your choice: "
<< endl;
cout<< "1.Students information" <<endl;
cout<< "2.Teacher information" <<endl;
cout<< "3.Exit program" <<
endl ;
cin >>choice ;
system ("cls" ); //Clear screen
switch (choice )//First switch
{ case '1' : //Student
{ while( 1) //inner loop-1
{ system ("cls" ); //Clear screen //Level-2 display
cout<< "Enter your choice: "
<< endl;
cout<< "1.Create new entry\n"
cout<< "2.Find and display entry\n" ;
cout<< "3.Jump to main\n" ;
cin >> choice ;
switch ( choice) //Second switch
case '1' ://Insert data
{ ofstream f1 ( "student.txt"
,ios ::app );
for ( i= 0; choice!= 'n' ; i++) {
if (( choice== 'y' )||(choice == 'Y' )||(choice =='1' )) {
cout<< "Enter First name: " ;
cin >>studentData .fname;
cout<< "Enter Last name: " ;
cin >>studentData .lname;
cout<< "Enter Registration number: " ;
cin >>studentData .
Registration ;
cout<< "Enter class: " ;
cin >>studentData .classes ; f1 << studentData . fname<< endl
<< studentData .lname << endl<<
studentData . Registration<<
endl <<studentData .classes <<
endl ;
cout<< "Do you want to enterdata: " ;
cout<< "Press Y for Continueand N to Finish:  " ;
cin >>choice ; } } f1 .close (); }
continue;//control back to inner loop -1
case '2' ://Display data
{ ifstream f2 ( "student.txt"
cout<< "Enter First name to be displayed: " ;
cin >> find;
cout<< endl;
int notFound = 0 ;
for ( j= 0;( j< i)||(! f2. eof ());
j++) {
getline ( f2, studentData .fname
if (studentData . fname== find) {
notFound = 1 ;
cout<< "First Name: " <<
studentData . fname<< endl;
cout<< "Last Name: " <<
studentData . lname<< endl;
getline (f2 ,studentData .
cout<< "Registration No number: " << studentData .
Registration <<endl;
getline (f2 ,studentData .
classes );
cout<< "Class: " <<
studentData . classes << endl<<
endl ; }
if (notFound == 0 ){
cout<< "No Record Found" <<
endl ; }
f2 .close ();
cout<< "Press any key two times to proceed" ;
getch(); //To hold data on screen
getch(); //To hold data on screen
continue;//control back to inner loop -1
case '3' ://Jump to main
break; //inner switch breaking
} }
break; //inner loop-1 breaking
continue;//Control pass to 1st loop
case '2' ://Teachers biodata
{ while( 1) //inner loop-2
{ system ("cls" ); //Clear screen //Level-2 Display process
cout<< "Enter your choice: "
<< endl;
cout<< "1.Create new entry\n"
cout<< "2.Find and display\n"
cout<< "3.Jump to main\n" ;
cin >> choice ;
switch ( choice) //Third switch
case '1' ://Insert data
{ ofstream t1 ( "teacher.txt" ,
ios :: app );
for ( i=0 ;choice != 'n' && choice
!= 'N' ;i ++) {  if (( choice == 'y' )||(choice ==
'Y' )||(choice == '1' )) {
cout << "Enter First name: "
  cin >> tech[i ].fst_name ;
cout << "Enter Last name:: "
  cin >> tech[i ].lst_name ;
cout << "Enter qualification: " ;
cin >> tech[i ].qualification
  cout << "Enter experiance(year): " ;
cin >> tech[i ].exp ;
cout << "Enter number of year in this School: " ;
cin >> tech[i ].serves ;
cout << "Enter Subject whos teach: " ;
cin >> tech[i ].subj;
cout << "Enter Lecture(per Week): " ;
cin >> tech[i ].lec ;
cout << "Enter pay: " ;
cin >> tech[i ].pay ;
cout << "Enter Phone Number:" ;
cin >> tech[i ].cel_no ;
cout << "Enter Blood Group: ";
cin >> tech[i ].blod_grp ; t1 <<tech[ i]. fst_name <<endl
<< tech[i ].lst_name << endl << tech[i ]. qualification<<
endl<< tech[i ].exp <<endl
<< tech[i ]. serves<< endl<<
tech [i]. subj<< endl<< tech[i ].
   << endl<< tech[i ].pay <<endl
<< tech[i ].cel_no << endl<<tech
[i ]. blod_grp << endl;
cout << "Do you want to enter data: " ;
cin >> choice ; } //if
}//for loop //for finding through name
system ("cls" );
t1 .close (); }//case 1
continue;//Control pass to inner loop-2
case '2' ://Display data
{ ifstream t2 ( "teacher.txt" );
cout<< "Enter name to be displayed: " ;
cin >> find;
cout<< endl;
int notFound = 0 ;
for ( j= 0;(( j <i )||(!t2 .eof
())); j++) {  getline (t2 ,tech[ j]. fst_name
);  if ( tech[j]. fst_name == find) {
notFound = 1;
cout << "First name: " << tech
[j ]. fst_name << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. lst_name );
cout << "Last name: " <<tech[
j]. lst_name << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j].
qualification );
cout << "Qualification: " <<
tech [j]. qualification <<endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. exp );
cout << "Experience: " << tech
[j ]. exp << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. serves
  cout << " number of year in this School: " << tech[ j].
serves << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. subj);
cout << "Subject whos teach:" << tech[j]. subj<< endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. lec );
cout << "Enter Lecture(per Week): " << tech[j ]. lec << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. pay );
cout << "pay: " << tech[ j]. pay
<< endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. addrs );
cout << "Address: " << tech[ j].addrs << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. cel_no
  cout << "Phone Number: " <<
tech [j]. cel_no <<endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. blod_grp );
cout << "Bool Group: " << tech
[j ]. blod_grp << endl; } //if }//for loop
t2 .close ();
if (notFound == 0 ){
cout<< "No Record Found" <<
endl ; }
cout<< "Press any key two times to proceed" ;
getch(); //To hold data on screen
getch(); //To hold data on screen
}//case 2
continue;//Control pass to inner loop-2
case '3' ://Jump to main
break; //inner switch
}//case 3
}//inner switch
break; //inner while
}//inner loop
continue;//control pass to 1st loop
}//outer case 2
case '3' : {
break; //outer case 3
}//outer case 3
} break; //outer loop

<h3>NOTE : USE TURBO BORLAND  C/C++ Compiler</h3>

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What is Wi-Fi And How Its Work

<h1 align="center">Wi-Fi </h1>
WiFi is a technology that uses radio waves to provide network

connectivity. A WiFi connection is established using a wireless adapter to create hotspots - areas in the vicinity of a wireless router that are connected to the network and allow users to access internet services. Once configured, WiFi provides wireless connectivity to your devices by emitting frequencies between 2.4GHz - 5GHz, based on the amount of data on the network.
This article will introduce you to the basics of WiFi so that you may have a better understanding of the worldwide phenomenon that provides you with your internet access.

1. What Does WiFi Stand For?
2. An Introduction to WiFi
3. How WiFi Works
4. WiFi Frequencies
5. What are Hotspots?
6. Connect To WiFi Via Modem
7. Related: What is wifi

What Does WiFi Stand For?
You may be surprised to hear that many people don't actually know that WiFi is an abbreviated term. Even those who do don't always know what WiFi stands for. There are a number of theories about what the term means, but the most widely accepted definition for the term in the tech community is Wireless Fidelity.
An Introduction to WiFi
Wireless technology has widely spread lately and you can get connected almost anywhere; at home, at work, in libraries, schools, airports, hotels and even in some restaurants.
Wireless networking is known as WiFi or 802.11 networking as it covers the IEEE 802.11 technologies. The major advantage of WiFi is that it is compatible with almost every operating system, game device, and advanced printer.
How WiFi Works
Like mobile phones, a WiFi network makes use of radio waves to transmit information across a network. The computer should include a wireless adapter that will translate data sent into a radio signal. This same signal will be transmitted, via an antenna, to a decoder known as the router . Once decoded, the data will be sent to the Internet through a wired Ethernet connection.
As the wireless network works as a two-way traffic, the data received from the internet will also pass through the router to be coded into a radio signal that will be received by the computer's wireless adapter.
WiFi Frequencies
A wireless network will transmit at a frequency level of 2.4 GHz or 5GHz to adapt to the amount of data that is being sent by the user. The 802.11 networking standards will somewhat vary depending mostly on the user's needs.
The 802.11a will transmit data at a frequency level of 5GHz. The Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) used enhances reception by dividing the radio signals into smaller signals before reaching the router. You can transmit a maximum of 54 megabits of data per second.
The 802.11b will transmit data at a frequency level of 2.4GHz, which is a relatively slow speed. You can transmit a maximum of 11 megabits of data per second.
The 802.11g will transmit data at 2.4GHz but can transmit a maximum of 54 megabits of data per second as it also uses an OFDM coding.
The more advanced 802.11n can transmit a maximum of 140 megabits of data per second and uses a frequency level of 5GHz.
What are Hotspots?
The term hotspot is used to define an area where WiFi access is available. It can either be through a closed wireless network at home or in public places such as restaurants or airports.
In order to access hotspots, your computer should include a wireless adapter. If you are using an advanced laptop model, it will probably include a built-in wireless transmitter already. If it doesn't, you can purchase a wireless adapter that will plug into the PCI slot or USB port. Once installed, your system should automatically detect the WiFi hotspots and request connection. If not, you should use a software to handle this task for you.