Friday, March 24, 2017

School Management Programme In C/C++

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include < string >
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std ;
//Structure defining
//For students
struct student
string fname ;//for student first name
string lname ;//for student last name
string Registration ;//for Registration No number
string classes ;//for class info
}studentData ;//Variable of student type
//For teachers
struct teacher
string fst_name ; //first name of teacher
string lst_name ; //last nameof teacher
string qualification ;//Qualification of teacher
string exp ;//Experiance of the person
string pay ;//Pay of the Teacher
string subj ;//subject whos he/she teach
string lec ;//Lecture per Week
string addrs ;//Adders of teacher home
string cel_no ;//Phone number
string blod_grp ; //Bool Group
string serves ; //Number of serves in School
}tech[ 50 ];//Variable of teacher type
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Main function
void main() {
int i =0 ,j ;//for processing usage
char choice ; //for getting choice
string find ; //for sorting
string srch ;
while( 1) //outer loop
{  system ( "cls" );//Clear screen
//Level 1-Display process
cout<< "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" ;
cout<< "\n\n\t\t\tSCHOOL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM\n\n" ;
cout<< "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" ;
cout<< "\n\n\t\t\tMAIN SCREEN\n\n" ;
cout<< "Enter your choice: "
<< endl;
cout<< "1.Students information" <<endl;
cout<< "2.Teacher information" <<endl;
cout<< "3.Exit program" <<
endl ;
cin >>choice ;
system ("cls" ); //Clear screen
switch (choice )//First switch
{ case '1' : //Student
{ while( 1) //inner loop-1
{ system ("cls" ); //Clear screen //Level-2 display
cout<< "Enter your choice: "
<< endl;
cout<< "1.Create new entry\n"
cout<< "2.Find and display entry\n" ;
cout<< "3.Jump to main\n" ;
cin >> choice ;
switch ( choice) //Second switch
case '1' ://Insert data
{ ofstream f1 ( "student.txt"
,ios ::app );
for ( i= 0; choice!= 'n' ; i++) {
if (( choice== 'y' )||(choice == 'Y' )||(choice =='1' )) {
cout<< "Enter First name: " ;
cin >>studentData .fname;
cout<< "Enter Last name: " ;
cin >>studentData .lname;
cout<< "Enter Registration number: " ;
cin >>studentData .
Registration ;
cout<< "Enter class: " ;
cin >>studentData .classes ; f1 << studentData . fname<< endl
<< studentData .lname << endl<<
studentData . Registration<<
endl <<studentData .classes <<
endl ;
cout<< "Do you want to enterdata: " ;
cout<< "Press Y for Continueand N to Finish:  " ;
cin >>choice ; } } f1 .close (); }
continue;//control back to inner loop -1
case '2' ://Display data
{ ifstream f2 ( "student.txt"
cout<< "Enter First name to be displayed: " ;
cin >> find;
cout<< endl;
int notFound = 0 ;
for ( j= 0;( j< i)||(! f2. eof ());
j++) {
getline ( f2, studentData .fname
if (studentData . fname== find) {
notFound = 1 ;
cout<< "First Name: " <<
studentData . fname<< endl;
cout<< "Last Name: " <<
studentData . lname<< endl;
getline (f2 ,studentData .
cout<< "Registration No number: " << studentData .
Registration <<endl;
getline (f2 ,studentData .
classes );
cout<< "Class: " <<
studentData . classes << endl<<
endl ; }
if (notFound == 0 ){
cout<< "No Record Found" <<
endl ; }
f2 .close ();
cout<< "Press any key two times to proceed" ;
getch(); //To hold data on screen
getch(); //To hold data on screen
continue;//control back to inner loop -1
case '3' ://Jump to main
break; //inner switch breaking
} }
break; //inner loop-1 breaking
continue;//Control pass to 1st loop
case '2' ://Teachers biodata
{ while( 1) //inner loop-2
{ system ("cls" ); //Clear screen //Level-2 Display process
cout<< "Enter your choice: "
<< endl;
cout<< "1.Create new entry\n"
cout<< "2.Find and display\n"
cout<< "3.Jump to main\n" ;
cin >> choice ;
switch ( choice) //Third switch
case '1' ://Insert data
{ ofstream t1 ( "teacher.txt" ,
ios :: app );
for ( i=0 ;choice != 'n' && choice
!= 'N' ;i ++) {  if (( choice == 'y' )||(choice ==
'Y' )||(choice == '1' )) {
cout << "Enter First name: "
  cin >> tech[i ].fst_name ;
cout << "Enter Last name:: "
  cin >> tech[i ].lst_name ;
cout << "Enter qualification: " ;
cin >> tech[i ].qualification
  cout << "Enter experiance(year): " ;
cin >> tech[i ].exp ;
cout << "Enter number of year in this School: " ;
cin >> tech[i ].serves ;
cout << "Enter Subject whos teach: " ;
cin >> tech[i ].subj;
cout << "Enter Lecture(per Week): " ;
cin >> tech[i ].lec ;
cout << "Enter pay: " ;
cin >> tech[i ].pay ;
cout << "Enter Phone Number:" ;
cin >> tech[i ].cel_no ;
cout << "Enter Blood Group: ";
cin >> tech[i ].blod_grp ; t1 <<tech[ i]. fst_name <<endl
<< tech[i ].lst_name << endl << tech[i ]. qualification<<
endl<< tech[i ].exp <<endl
<< tech[i ]. serves<< endl<<
tech [i]. subj<< endl<< tech[i ].
   << endl<< tech[i ].pay <<endl
<< tech[i ].cel_no << endl<<tech
[i ]. blod_grp << endl;
cout << "Do you want to enter data: " ;
cin >> choice ; } //if
}//for loop //for finding through name
system ("cls" );
t1 .close (); }//case 1
continue;//Control pass to inner loop-2
case '2' ://Display data
{ ifstream t2 ( "teacher.txt" );
cout<< "Enter name to be displayed: " ;
cin >> find;
cout<< endl;
int notFound = 0 ;
for ( j= 0;(( j <i )||(!t2 .eof
())); j++) {  getline (t2 ,tech[ j]. fst_name
);  if ( tech[j]. fst_name == find) {
notFound = 1;
cout << "First name: " << tech
[j ]. fst_name << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. lst_name );
cout << "Last name: " <<tech[
j]. lst_name << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j].
qualification );
cout << "Qualification: " <<
tech [j]. qualification <<endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. exp );
cout << "Experience: " << tech
[j ]. exp << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. serves
  cout << " number of year in this School: " << tech[ j].
serves << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. subj);
cout << "Subject whos teach:" << tech[j]. subj<< endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. lec );
cout << "Enter Lecture(per Week): " << tech[j ]. lec << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. pay );
cout << "pay: " << tech[ j]. pay
<< endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. addrs );
cout << "Address: " << tech[ j].addrs << endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. cel_no
  cout << "Phone Number: " <<
tech [j]. cel_no <<endl;
getline (t2 , tech[j]. blod_grp );
cout << "Bool Group: " << tech
[j ]. blod_grp << endl; } //if }//for loop
t2 .close ();
if (notFound == 0 ){
cout<< "No Record Found" <<
endl ; }
cout<< "Press any key two times to proceed" ;
getch(); //To hold data on screen
getch(); //To hold data on screen
}//case 2
continue;//Control pass to inner loop-2
case '3' ://Jump to main
break; //inner switch
}//case 3
}//inner switch
break; //inner while
}//inner loop
continue;//control pass to 1st loop
}//outer case 2
case '3' : {
break; //outer case 3
}//outer case 3
} break; //outer loop

<h3>NOTE : USE TURBO BORLAND  C/C++ Compiler</h3>

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